Worüber lachen die eigentlich?

Are Muslims humorless? Where even a caricature can be a death sentence, prejudices and fears have an easy time. The topic of "humor and Islam" has many aspects. We show personalities who use their humor to combat prejudice and intolerance. Among others: the Egyptian entertainer Bassem Youssef and the Turkish journalist Aydin Engin from Cumhuriyet. 

The film was first shown on ARTE on 28.9.2016.

Thanks to co-directors Sabine Jainski and Faruk Hosseini. YSO Film would like to especially thank Nadia Khiari, Samia Orosemane, Kheiron, Bassem Youssef, Ahmed al Basheer, Aydin Engin, M.K. Perker, Ahmed Shah, Bahadir Baruter, Idil Baydar and Abdelkarim.

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